Crailtap has a poll up on their blog site right now asking the ultimate hip-hop question...."Who's better. Biggie or Tupac?".
Regardless of what you believe is the correct answer, Sam Smyth, the team manager at Girl Skateboards, brings up some valid points. Here's what he had to say:
"Biggie or 2Pac is the most arbitrary comparison ever made. People only make it because of the beef. There really is no comparison. 2Pac's body of work far out shines Biggie's. Tupac starred in seven critically acclaimed movies, and spawned countless documentaries and DVDs. Tupac released five albums before his death, and 7+ after. He wrote one book, and ten have been written about him. Biggie put out one album before he was killed, one after. The remix albums Bad Boy scraped together was all shit from before his first album. If 2Pac would have lived past 25, he would have destroyed Biggie, then moved on to beefin' with the next biggest fish. Biggie would have been forgotten and no one would have made the comparison."